Kurumutu in Santali (a tribal language) means sankalp or determination. It denotes the determination of the marginalized tribal communities to stand on their own feet and shape their development despite all odds. Thus their hand made products have been aptly branded as Kurumutu.
Kurumutu showcases the unique creations of the tribal people which are a class apart because they reflect the blend of the traditional with the contemporary.
SEEDS motivates the elderly artisans to continue with their traditional art and craft, especially the diminishing Birhors who are classified as a particularly vulnerable tribe in Jharkhand. SEEDS has improvised the use of their toopas made out of the chihor creeper (traditionally used for extracting wood-pressed oil at home), into a decorative cum utility item which is proving to be popular in urban areas due to its unique texture and weave.
Story of Change
The stuffed birds are the handiwork of 40 year old resident of Royam village, Reena Mahato belonging to a backward class. She is oriented in needle work and stitching and has the knack of picking up any new art in the field. Reena uses recycled cloth to make the colourful birds as well as for the stuffing. She fetches wood, leaves, wild fruits from the forests, does all the household and farm chores, tends to the goats and then finds time to do her favourite handiwork.
35 year old Sanka Patra of Deoli Village has barely studied up to grade 5. However she excels in clay work. The walls of her mud house is a treat for one’s eyes. She plasters the walls occasionally with vibrant vegetable colours and makes fascinating colourful borders, sometimes interspersed with pieces of mirror chips. She has made the terracotta beads/lockets in the bird hangings. She digs out the clay from a particular site, adds water and then leaves it to soften for few hours. Thereafter Sanka kneads the clay till it becomes pliable, after which she rolls out the beads, to be sun-dried for a day or two. She then fires the beads using dried paddy straw till it gets a brick–brown colour. High temperature turns the beads into a blackish tinge which cannot be reversed. Sanka is adept in this art and creates a variety of terracotta shapes..

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