skill development
We enable the rural community to recognize their potential and utilize their knowledge by providing customized quality training, orientation workshops & exposure visits.

SEEDS is grooming grass root women as counsellors to provide the first level of psycho-social support and information on violence against women/girls. Forty counsellors, popularly known as Disha Di (one who shows the direction/path) from 5 Blocks (Dumaria, Musabani, Ghatsila, Potka and Arki) received orientation in basic counselling. They also demonstrated dealing with cases and counselling the victim. Now village women have started coming up with their rights related problems (mostly domestic violence) and approaching Disha Di in their respective cluster, to seek redressal of their woes. In the last one year exploited women have reported about 1085 cases to different Disha Dis. They are using their skills to handle the cases and they have been successful in resolving nearly 275 cases on their own, which accounts for about 25% of the total cases. Slowly these counsellors are becoming a resource pool at the village level.
Gender Equality Workshop for Men
In our efforts to improve prevention of violence against women/girls, a number of interventions are being made to bring about changes in behaviours, practices and attitudes, especially among men. In one year we have conducted 17 workshops for men to promote a gender equitable environment within families. The 739 participants developed an understanding about patriarchal society and gender inequality in homes. The prevalence of gender stereotyping became clearer through a participatory card game designed by SEEDS. Five pictorial flexi charts were designed to depict four types of violence and the disadvantages of consuming alcohol.
It was encouraging that all the men were open to changing the prevalent gender discrimination, starting from their own family. The process has already begun. Family-wise changes are being monitored and documented every month. As of now 12 norms/parameters have been outlined by the Gram Ekta Sangh for nine villages to become model violence-free villages. Men have participated in chapatti rolling and leaf plate making competitions – which is a totally female bastion.
We provide trainings for rural women, adolescents and youth, village headmen, community, civil society organizations, teachers and such key stakeholders.

A workshop on Gender Equality

Mushroom Training

Sustainable agriculture
This year over 130 marginal farmers from 14 farmers groups got oriented in systematic vegetable and oilseeds cultivation. Thereafter they were given oilseeds and vegetable seeds (flaxseed, sesame, mustard, garlic, chilli, bitter gourd, red and green pumpkin, spinach, tomato). They have reaped a good harvest and also saved the seeds for the next season.
Self confidence of those trained, is being reflected in their work, gait and interactions.
At SEEDS, no contribution is small. Become harbingers of change by affirmative action.