We endeavour to promote sustainable livelihood options for increasing household income, enhancing food and nutrition security and the overall quality of life of excluded communities.
SEEDS facilitates climate smart practices, entrepreneurship and gainful self-employment among the young. Vocational training and preparation of small business plans for group/individual, skill and entrepreneurship development training equips the trainees to start/ improve their occupation and enhance the family income.

Few of our interventions include
- setting up of seed banks;
- introduction of less water sensitive crops of minor millets and coarse grains such as bajra, kodo, madua, makai and legumes like sutli, arhar, romha, roots and tubers, oilseeds in the forest villages having an undulating topography;
- use of organic pesticides; organic treatment of seeds prior to sowing;
- system of rice intensification;
- garbage compost pit and vermicompost pit at household level;
- fish, poultry, goat, pig rearing;
- value addition to farm/forest produce; catering, hand pump repairing, motor driving, welding and carpentry.
Story of Change
“ We lacked money to buy home essentials because my husband – a contract labourer lost his job in the pandemic. Not owning any farmland, he had no option but to chop wood from nearby forests and sell it. With the meagre earning, he somehow managed to buy food-grains which was just enough for survival. One morning the cluster leader, Yamuna Didi came to meet the self-help group women in our village. During the experience sharing about the aftermath of COVID, I too narrated my woes. I am so grateful to Didi for suggesting that I buy a pig for income generation. However paucity of money was a deterrent in following her suggestion. The group members came to my rescue and proved to be the silver lining in my dark situation. They offered to grant me a loan of Rs 2500 from the group fund. I immediately purchased a small pig locally. During a span of one year I became the proud owner of 12 piglets. I kept selling a few and earned Rs 30000. We have now become food secure, my husband is no longer dependent on an outside job and we send our children not only to school but also for daily tuition classes.”
– Heera Murmu, Kakdoha Village, Musabani
– Heera Murmu, Kakdoha Village, Musabani

At SEEDS, no contribution is small. Become harbingers of change by affirmative action.